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Elements: How to Set Up a Profile

A guide to setting up and maintaining Elements profiles

Navigate to Elements

Navigate to:, log in using your CSHL login credentials; this process will require your dual-factor authentication. If you have trouble logging in, please reach out to the Science Informationist (profile box to the right) for assistance with your account. Once you log in, you will be navigated to the Homepage. 

Elements Homepage for a user "Kathleen McGuire" from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Setting Your Profile Picture

Your profile picture should be a high-resolution professional headshot of you. Take a look at the headshots used in the current profiles for ideas, and check out this resource for taking your own professional headshot

Step 1. Once you have a digital copy of your profile picture, from the main Elements home page (after logging in), select "Edit My Profile".  

Screenshot of the Symplectic Elements homepage for a user named Kathleen McGuire from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The page displays sections for 'My Actions,' 'Publications,' 'Professional Activities,' and 'Teaching Activities.' A highlighted blue arrow points to the 'EDIT MY PROFILE' button in the user's profile section on the right side of the screen.

Step 2.

a. Select "Upload a photo". 

Screenshot of the Symplectic Elements profile editing page for a user named Kathleen McGuire from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. A highlighted blue arrow points to the "Upload a photo" button in the user's profile section on the left side of the screen.

b. Either drag and drop the image you would like to use as a profile picture into the box or click "Browse" to select the file from your computer. 

Screenshot of a 'Manage profile photo' pop-up window. The window provides instructions for uploading a profile picture, stating that the file size must be less than 6MB and supported file types include .png, .gif, and .jpg. There is a 'Browse' button to select a file from the local system, or users can drag and drop a file into the designated area. A 'Cancel' link is located at the bottom right corner of the pop-up.

Step 3. Use the gridded square to select the area of the uploaded picture on the left side of the screen. You will be able to view previews of your photo on the right to help you center your headshot. Once you have selected the area that you would like to be in view, select "Save". 

Screenshot of a "Manage profile photo" pop-up window. On the left side of the window, a gridded box can be used to align the uploaded profile photo with previews of the "Profile preview" and "Thumbnail preview" on the right. A blue arrow points to the save button in the center bottom of the pop up box.

Step 4. Your profile picture will now appear in the Profile editing page. If you ever want to edit or change the photo, return to this page and select "Manage photo". 

Screenshot of the Symplectic Elements profile editing page for a user named Kathleen McGuire from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. A blue rectangle highlights the "Manage Photo" button in the user's profile section on the left side of the screen.

Add Your Research Overview

Your research overview should be a brief (approximately 50 words or less) overview of your career and research written for the general public that will appear under the "Bio" section of your expert profile page. You will have an opportunity in the "Research Interests" area of your profile to discuss your research further. Take a look at the research overviews of the current CSHL Experts & Faculty

Step 1. Once you have written (and proofread) your description, from the main Elements home page (after logging in), select "Edit My Profile".  

Screenshot of the Symplectic Elements homepage for a user named Kathleen McGuire from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. The page displays sections for 'My Actions,' 'Publications,' 'Professional Activities,' and 'Teaching Activities.' A highlighted blue arrow points to the 'EDIT MY PROFILE' button in the user's profile section on the right side of the screen.

Step 2.

a. To update your Research Overview, click "Add" under the "About" tab and "Overview" heading on the edit profile page. 

Screenshot of the Profile editing page in Elements with the tab "About" selected with the heading "Overview" and a text box underneath. A blue arrow points to an "Edit" button in the lower right corner.

b. Type your research overview into the text box and click "Save". 

Screenshot of the Profile editing page in Elements with the tab "About" selected with the heading "Overview" and a text box underneath with a sample research description. A blue arrow points to a "Save" button in the lower right corner.

Step 3. You can always change or edit this section of your profile by following the previously-mentioned steps. Importantly: if you do make edits to your description, be sure to always click the blue save button in the bottom right of the "About" section after making changes.  

Add Your Research Interests

Your research interests section provides a more detailed, accessible overview of your research (2-3 short paragraphs maximum). This will appear under the "Research" tab of your profile. This section should be written so that other scientists that are not in your field of work can understand broadly what you do. Take a look at CSHL Expert Profiles for models of how you should write yours. 

a. To update your research summary, click "Add" under the Research interests heading. 


b. Type your research summary into the text box and click "Save". 

Step 2. You can always change or edit this section of your profile by following the previously-mentioned steps. Importantly: if you do make edits to your description, be sure to always click the blue save button in the bottom right of the "About" section after making changes.  

Add Your Campus Affiliations

This section indicates what centers, institutes, and areas of research with which you are affiliated on campus. 

a. Select "Add labels" under the Affiliations heading. 


b. Search for your campus affiliation in the Label search bar. 

Step 2.


a. Once you have found the affiliation you want to add, select it in the search and then click "Add". 


b. You can select as many campus affiliations as you need. Once you have selected all of your affiliations, click "Save Changes". Once you have saved your changes, then click the "Cancel" button to leave the Affiliation labels menu. 

Add Your Fields of Research

In this section, you will include several keywords associated with your research. Be sure to check out examples from other CSHL Expert Profiles when determining your Fields of Research. 

Step 1. 

a. Select "Add Labels" under the "Fields of Research" heading.



b. Use the search bar to find your fields of research and then click add. 

If your fields of research do not appear, please email Katie ( to have them added to the main list. 

Step 2. Once you have selected all of your fields of research, click "Save Changes". Once your changes are saved, then click "Cancel". 

Add Your Current CSHL (and Other) Appointments

Step 1.

a. Find "CSHL Appointments" under the Experience heading. Click "Add an institutional appointment". 

b. Fill in your current CSHL position title for "Position". Next to "Institution Name" begin typing and then select Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. It will automatically fill in the relevant location details. 

Step 2.

a. You must provide a Department name or your appointment will not appear on your faculty profile. If you are a PI, your department is your lab i.e. McGuire Laboratory. If you are a technician, postdoc, or graduate student, put the laboratory for the PI that is your mentor. For the dates of your appointment only use years in YYYY format. Then click "Save". 


d. Once you have finalized your CSHL appointment(s), you will repeat these steps for each academic appointment that you have held under "Academic appointments". There might be one or two duplicates with the CSHL appointments section, depending on the number of academic appointments that you have had at CSHL. For non-academic employment (ie. military service) use the "Non-academic appointment" section. For post doctoral training positions, use the "postgraduate training" section which is part of the next "Education" heading. 

Add Your Degree Information

In this section, you should list all of your degrees. Degree information should be listed in reverse chronological order with the most recent degree earned listed first. 

Step 1. 

a. Click "Add a degree". 


b. "Qualification" is the degree type/name (i.e. BA/BS, MA/MS, PhD, MD). Click the blue downfacing caret to expand the Qualifications field. Include the major or field of study. 

Step 2.

a. Next to "Institution name", begin typing the awarding institution name and select it from the drop-down menu. It will automatically fill in the City and Country.


d. Include the years attended via the Start and End dates. Then select "Save". 

Step 3. 

a.  Repeat this process for all degrees earned in reverse chronological order.

b. Add any postdoctoral appointments by selecting "Add postgraduate training" under the Postgraduate training heading. 

Add Web Addresses & Social Media Accounts

These links will appear in the left blue sidebar of your profile. 

Here are a list of links that researchers often include:

  • Twitter/X Profile Link
  • Lab Website or Professional Website Link
  • LinkedIn Profile
  • GitHub
  • Research Gate

Step 1.

.a. Navigate to the Addresses heading and select "Add a web address". 


b. Select the Type of address from the dropdown menu. Add a label (i.e. Lab Website, LinkedIn Profile, GitHub). Insert the link to the website in the URL box. Then click "Save". 


c. Repeat this process for all websites and social media pages that you would like to include. 

Additional Questions: