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NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy: Implementation Details of Policy

NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy effective January 25, 2023

Implementation Details of Policy

Click on the tabs directly above to explore the different elements of the plan. Look below for links to references.
"The purpose of this notice (NOT-OD-22-189) is to inform the extramural research community of implementation details for the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMS Policy) affecting grant and cooperative agreement applications submitted for receipt dates on or after January 25, 2023."

Application Stage:

  • Data sharing plans and genomic data sharing plans will no longer be submitted to the “Resource Sharing Plan(s)” field, and instead will be submitted to a new "Other Plan(s) field in the appropriate FORMS-H forms.


  • There will be no requirement to submit a separate Genomic Data Sharing plan.  One plan will be expected.


  • The requested direct costs to support the activities proposed in the DMS Plan must be indicated as “Data Management and Sharing Costs” 


  • A brief summary of the DMS Plan and a description of the requested Data Management and Sharing Costs must be included within the budget justification attachment.


  • The appropriate documentation will be updated on the NIH website by the Fall of 2022.

Assessment Stage:

  • Data management and sharing plans will be reviewed and assessed by NIH program staff, not by peer reviewers.


  • Data management and sharing plans will not factor into the overall impact score of the applications.


  • Peer reviewers can comment on the reasonableness of costs.


  • NIH staff at the proposed NIH Institute or Center will decide if the Plan is acceptable. They may request revisions in the Just-in-Time process.

Revision Stage:

  • If application is approved but the Data Management and Sharing Plan is not approved, applicants will be notified.


  • Must revise and resolve any issues with the plan.


  • The revised plan must be submitted for approval.  This will be for the Just-in-Time process before funds can be released.

Compliance of and Updating Plan:

  • You are required to comply with the plan that was approved.


  • DMS Plans may be updated during regular reporting intervals as part of the annual Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) process. Changes to the DMS Plan must be approved by the funding NIH Institute or Center.