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A guide to using CSHL's newest way to store and disseminate protocols takes the security of your data very seriously. They make certain that you are able to restrict access to your documents until which time you would like to make them public. 

Share and More

Using the Share and More tabs you can control who has access to your protocol by making it visible to individual users, entire workspaces or the public. If your protocol is entirely finished, perhaps published as part of a manuscript and you would like to make it permanently publicly accessible, you can use to generate a DOI for your protocol. 


From the website:

- How do you ensure security and data integrity? uses Amazon's AWS cloud for data hosting — this provides us access to the latest security and data integrity tools. All private data is encrypted when stored. When transmitted, the AES-256 encryption algorithm will generate a unique encryption key for each protocol. The encryption keys are managed by the AWS KMS — a secure and resilient service using hardware security modules. A data transmission of any kind is done using an SSL protocol that ensures authenticated and encrypted links between the server and the client. All interactions with the data are logged in AWS CloudTrail, which allows us to audit data access history. The storage utilizes several layers of redundancy: live replicas, one-minute incremental backups, long term weekly backups. We maintain a tight policy on who in the company has access to the live storage infrastructure, limiting it to only the key engineers and executives. employees cannot view decrypted private content — only the owner of the content and those it is shared with can read decrypted private content.