Creating a new protocol from scratch is simple with This guide will outline the basic steps that you need to take to set up a new protocol taking advantage of all of the custom tools that this product offers.
Getting started is very easy:
1) Log in to using your CSHL credentials. You must use your CSHL credentials to get the full benefit of our subscription.
2) Make sure that you are within the File Manager. Confirm that you are in the correct workspace. When you first log in the default should be to create a protocol within your private library. From there simply click the "New +" button. It is grey and on the upper right hand section of the screen. You can either create a new protocol or a new folder. In this case, select new protocol.
3) will then bring up a dialog asking what workspace and folder you would like to store your protocol in. Make the relevant selections for the protocol you are writing. Remember that some folders are shared, if you would like for a protocol to remain entirely private for now, place it in your personal folder.
4) Next, will ask you what kind of protocol you would like to write. This will help determine the layout and default options that are visible to you when you are writing your protocol. All menu options are available regardless of which type of protocol you select. will simply highlight some options based on selections that you make. Select your protocol type, and then select create.
If you already have an existing version of your protocol and you don't want to upload it manually, see the "Uploading Existing Protocols" page of this guide.
1) To begin, you can either add a new section or add a new step. Determine what makes the most sense for your protocol.
2) Once you have added your first step, type in your instructions, using the widgets on the right hand side of the screen to further enhance your protocol. You can include items like citations, amounts, specific pieces of equipment, reagents by supplier and special safety warnings.
3) Repeat for each step of your protocol. It is better to have many simple steps than a few multi-part steps.
Attaching metadata is an easy way to make your protocol easily searchable.
Using the details tab: You can upload a picture to help you identify your profile. You can also upload an abstract to help others decide if your protocol is appropriate for their use.
If you only upload one piece of information, I would recommend adding keywords. If you have many protocols, the use of searchable keywords will make your life much easier.
You can also include authors and affiliations, external links to citations, disclaimers, and links to grant funding.
Using the Guidelines & Warnings tab: You can attach any guidelines or safety warnings that are applicable for your protocol. This may include hazardous material notes, or anything else you think that would help a future user of your protocol.
Using the Materials tab: you can attach specific reagents or pieces of equipment that are required within your protocol.
Should you ever need additional help beyond the scope of this guide, please feel free to contact the science informationist listed on the first page of this guide, or directly by emailing They are an incredibly responsive team, and would be happy to assist you.