Understanding the intricacies of Open Access policies at various publishers can be difficult. To assist with that this section will breakdown the Open Access policies of the publishers and journals that are frequently published in by CSHL researchers. Always make sure to check directly with your publisher as policies are changing frequently in response to funder mandates.
American Association of Cancer Research
AACR publishes Cancer Discovery, Cancer Research, and several other journals
- AACR complies with the NIH public access mandate and articles will be made available 6 months after publication
- AACR offers a hybrid OA option with additional fees for making work OA
- The posting of preprints is permitted but authors must retain all rights to the work
American Association for the Advancement of Science
AAAS publishes Science and several other journals and employs the following Open Access policy.
- AAAS complies with the NIH Public Access Policy
- All Research papers are free with registration on Science’s Web site 12 months after publication
- Encourage authors to use preprint servers
Cell Press (Elsevier)
Cell Press publishes Cell, Neuron, Molecular Cell, and Cell Reports and employs the following Open Access policy.
- Cell Press has a paid open access option that varies in cost by journal
- Cell Press allows Post-Print versions to be deposited by the authors but not Pre-Print.
- Cell Press complies with the NIH Public Access Policy and allows all publications to be available 12 months after publication.
- Will consider articles posted on preprint servers.
CSHL Press
CSHL Press publishes Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, Genes and Development, and Genome Research and employs the following Open Access policy.
- CSHL Press allows Pre- and Post-Print versions to be deposited by the authors.
- CSHL Press complies with the NIH Public Access Policy and allows publications to be available 6 months after publication.
eLife publishes eLife and employs the following Open Access policy.
- eLife allows Pre- and Post-Print versions to be deposited by the authors.
- eLife is full open access
- eLife charges an APC of $3,000
National Academy of Sciences
The NAS publishes the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science and employs the following Open Access policy.
- NAS allows Pre- and Post-Print versions to be deposited by the authors.
- NAS has a paid open access option that authors can opt into, this means the publication will be available for free from the time of publication.
- NAS complies with the NIH Public Access Policy and allows publications to be available 6 months after publication. PNAS will automatically deposit the version of record into PubMed Central.
Nature Publishing Group
NPG publishes Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Genetics, and Nature Communications and employs the following Open Access policy.
- For Nature, Nature Neuroscience, and Nature Genetics NPG allows Pre-Print versions to be deposited by the authors.
- For Nature, Nature Neuroscience, and Nature Genetics NPG allows Post-Print versions to be deposited by the authors 6 months after publication.
- For Nature, Nature Neuroscience, and Nature Genetics NPG complies with the NIH Public Access Policy and allows publications to be available 6 months after publication.
- Nature Communications and Scientific Reports are fully OA journals.
- NPG has entered into a Transformative Journal agreement with the goal of becoming fully OA.
- APCs vary from journal to journal.
Oxford University Press
OUP publishes Nucleic Acid Research and Bioinformatics and employs the following Open Access policy.
- OUP allows Pre-Print versions to be deposited by the authors.
- OUP complies with the NIH Public Access Policy and allows publications to be available 12 months after publication.
- OUP has a paid open access option of $1,000-2,500 per publication
- CSHL has a publishing agreement with NAR to discount the APC by 50% for CSHL corresponding authors.
Public Library of Science
PLoS publishes PLoS One and PLoS Genetics and employs the following Open Access policy.
- PLoS is a fully open access journal
- PLoS applies a CC-BY license to all works that they publish.
- The APC varies by journal title.
Society for Neuroscience
SfN publishes the Journal of Neuroscience and eNeuro and employs the following Open Access policy.
- APCs are discounted for SfN members
- SfN allows Pre-Print versions to be deposited by the authors.
- SfN allows Post-Print versions to be deposited by the authors 6 months after publication
- SfN complies with the NIH Public Access Policy and allows publications to be available 6 months after publication.