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ORCID and Other Unique Author Identifiers: Registering for ORCID

Explains what a unique author identifier is, cites examples of unique author identifier systems in current use, and provides links to unique author identifier and related resources.

Registering for an ORCID Account

Step 1a. Navigate to the ORCID Website and click "Sign in/Register". 

Screenshot of the ORCID website homepage. A blue arrow points to the "Sign In/Register" navigation link in the top right of the page.


Step 1b. Click the option to "Register now". 

Screenshot of the ORCID sign-in page featuring boxes to input "Email or ORCID ID" and "Password". A blue arrow points to a "Register now" link above the log in section.

Step 2a. Fill in the information for "Names and emails" and click "Next Step". 

Screenshot of the ORCID registration page, Step 1 of 5, titled 'Names and emails.' The form includes fields for 'Given names' (marked with a red border indicating it is required but not filled), 'Family names' (optional), 'Primary email' (also marked with a red border indicating it is required but not filled), 'Confirm primary email' (required and not filled), and 'Additional email' (optional). A large blue arrow points to the 'Next Step' button at the bottom, indicating the next action in the registration process. A 'Cancel registration' link is visible below the button.


Step 2b. Fill in the information for your password and then click "Next Step". 

Screenshot of the second ORCID registration page, Step 2 of 5, titled "Password". This form includes two fields to input a 'Password' and 'Confirm your password'. Below is text that states: 'Your password has: 8 or more characters, At least 1 letter or symbol, At least 1 number'. A large blue arrow points to the 'Next Step' button at the bottom, indicating the next action in the registration process.

Step 2c. Fill in the information for your current employment and then click "Next Step". 

Step 2d. Choose your visibility settings for your account. ORCID recommends choosing either Everyone or Trusted Parties to get the most of integration with other systems. 

Step 2e. Decide if you want to opt in to the Tips & Features email, read and approve of the Terms of use, confirm that you are a human, and then click "Complete registration". 

Step 3. You should receive an email from ORCID after you submit your registration to confirm your email account. If you cannot find the email, be sure to check your spam folder and/or Mimecast.