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ORCID and Other Unique Author Identifiers: Unique Author Identifier Resources

Explains what a unique author identifier is, cites examples of unique author identifier systems in current use, and provides links to unique author identifier and related resources.

Unique Author Identifier Systems


OpenID provides a means to sign in to multiple websites using a single existing account and password. OpenID is already used by services such as Google, Facebook, and Yahoo!, and has been rapidly adopted throughout the web. More than 50,000 websites currently accept OpenID for logins.

ISNI - Draft ISO Standard

ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) is a draft ISO standard (ISO 27729) that is intended to provide a tool for disambiguating "public identities" that might otherwise be confused. It covers parties (including writers, artists, creators, performers, researchers, producers, and publishers) involved in the creation, production, management, and distribution of content across multiple fields.