Step 1: Collect & Prepare Files for Submission
If you are depositing a publication in the NIH Manuscript Submission system, you will need to make sure you have all the documents for your submission.
It is important to note: You cannot submit the final, published version of the manuscript because of copyright. Therefore, you will need to track down the following documents:
- The Author's Accepted Manuscript
- This is the version of the manuscript that was submitted after peer review but before the publisher's formatting, copyediting, and typesetting.
- Make sure that the manuscript also has any titles and captions for Tables and Figures.
- Again, you cannot submit the final version of the publication due to copyright so it is essential that you track down this version of the manuscript.
- All Tables & Figures (Including Supplementary Tables & Figures)
- You will be asked to submit Tables and Figures as separate files.
- Make sure that the versions of the Tables and Figures that you are submitting match the versions referenced in the manuscript. For example, make sure that if Figure 1 A-D are referenced, that the version you are submitting has parts A-D.
- Any Additional Supplementary Information
- You will also need to upload any supplementary documents associated with the publication even if they are not mentioned in the text.
Professional Tip: Part of the PubMed Central conversion process includes making sure every reference in the publication is properly linked such as Figure 1, Supplementary Table 1, Video 5, etc.. If you do not include or properly label a linked item in the submission, the NIHMS Helpdesk will most likely send the submission back due to incomplete file submission. The author of this guide recommends going through and making sure that you have everything referenced/linked in the text of the manuscript before submission.
A note on file formats: the Manuscript Submission System supports a wide variety of file formats when submitting documents.
- Manuscripts are often submitted as MS Word or PDF documents but other file formats (WordPerfect, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) are also accepted. LaTeX text files are not accepted, but you can knit the entire publication together in a software like Overleaf or R Studio and submit a single PDF in this case (if you do this, make sure all of the components of the publication are included in the final PDF).
- High resolution images (.pdf, .tiff, .jpg, .eps, .ai) should be submitted for best quality. ChemDraw files are not accepted and will need to be converted to another format.