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Using the Library Catalog and Locating Materials: Basic searching


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Paula Abisognio
Carnegie Library, room 108

Basic searching

Keyword Searching

The default search type is a keyword search.  If you enter search terms and hit Enter/Return or click on the "word or pharse" button,, the system will perform a keyword search on all indexed fields. Clicking on one of the other buttons (author, title, subject, series, or periodical title) performs the corresponding keyword search, e.g., author keyword, title keyword, etc.

Browse Searching

When searching for a known item or author, changing the search type to a browse search will produce more exact results.  You needn't type in an entire title or author.  The more you type, the further down the browse list you will be taken, the less you type, the further up the list.  The results, however, are essentially the same.  You're just moving up and down a list.

As a cataloger, I use browse searching more often than keyword searching, but some users prefer the default search type to be keyword.  I'd like your feedback on which you prefer.  Thanks!

"Search only Electronic Books" Feature

If you'd like to limit your search to electronic books, check the "Search only Electronic Books" box.  We now have access to many thousands of ebooks, most of which are not yet in the catalog.  Ebooks that are not yet in the catalog can be accessed on the Springer Link website