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Research Data Management at CSHL: Suggested Resources

A Box

I'll start with the papers because these may be more digestible post-workshop readings. I chose mostly from PLOS Computational Biologists "10-rules" series. A few of the papers are older and technologies have evolved but the principles are largely the same.

     A Quick Guide to Organizing Computational Biology Projects

    Ten Simple Rules for a Computational Biologist’s Laboratory Notebook

    Good enough practices in scientific computing

    Ten Simple Rules for Creating a Good Data Management Plan

    Ten Simple Rules for Digital Data Storage

    Ten simple rules for documenting scientific software


The Sequence Read Archive at NCBI is something almost all who work with sequence data will have to use:

    SRA Metadata and Submission Overview

    The SRA submission templates have good examples of what structured metadata will look like.  Download this one for example.


 Other resources I like include:

    NC State library's Elements of a Data Management Plan database of community standards, databases, and policies (data management is a community-driven activity)

    Research Objects for reproducibility of complex data structures/experiments

    NIH Supplement to Data Management Policy

    NSF data sharing DCL

    UCSD data management plan examples



    The data management component of our course has some short questions and activities.