Click on: ILLIAD to set-up your account
On the ILLiad Logon page click First Time Users located at the bottom of the right panel.
Fill out the New User Registration Form using your email.
**Although there IS an asterisk next to "ID Number," an ID number is NOT NEEDED to create an account.
However, you do need to select a "Department", even though that does not have an asterisk.
Once finished, click "Submit Information".
To submit requests on ILLiad, choose the type of resource you are looking for (Journal Article, Book, Book Chapter, etc.) under the Main Menu on the left and fill out the information required.
You can also access the page directly from PubMed using you MyNCBI account or another database by clicking the blue CSHL "Find It!" button.
You can review any of your requests and manage your ILLiad account by using the buttons located on the left panel of the ILLiad Main Menu.
Please set up your required MyNCBI account in PubMed by clicking on the MyNCBI tab on the top menu.