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Need a barcode reader? See General Resources/Tools page.
The guide is divided into four parts, as reflected in the tabs above:
1. Mobile Resources for Scientists includes journals, databases, and research/education mobile sites/apps/tools, such as calculators, visualization tools, and specialized reference sources; and science, technology, and medical news.
2. General Resources/Tools includes bibliographic management mobile sites/apps; ebook, pdf, audio, and website readers; other tools and utilities; general reference sources, such as encyclopedias and dictionaries; and other useful apps.
3. Tools for Health & Life includes calorie/exercise trackers, quit smoking apps, meditation apps, medical/health reference sources, and other health/fitness related apps; local, national, and world news mobile sites/apps; travel and entertainment apps; and free content, such as poetry, classic books, and music.
4. Finding New Resources provides suggestions and resources for finding new mobile resources. It also provides contact information for CSHL Library staff, who will work with you if you need help selecting and accessing resources, or downloading apps.
New mobile resources are constantly being created, so check this LibGuide often. The Library staff also welcome your suggestions for mobile resources to add to this guide, and every page has a form for suggesting links.