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Bioinformatics: Databases

This LibGuide (Library Guide) Provides Selected Bioinformatics links, definitions, tools, and resources for the CSHL Community



GitHub is a web-based hosting service used extensively for depositing computing code.  It serves as a centralized location for maintaining a standardized version of any distributed code, such as general bioinformatics tools.  Many bioinformatiticians rely on GitHub for providing their custom-built code to the scientific community.

To learn how to get the most out of GitHub, there are several web-based tutorials available.  Some of those are linked below:

GitHub Guides provides several 'Getting Started' style guides on how to use GitHub.

GitHub Guides' Hello World Project

How the Heck to I Use GitHub? - LifeHacker

A Beginner's Guide to Git and GitHub Tutorial


Bioinformatics Databases

No List of Bioinformatics Databases will ever be complete.  More are being generated practically on a daily basis.  However, here are some of the more commonly used databases, tools, and central repositories.


National Center for Biotechnology Informations (NCBI) is the central NIH repository for all things biotechnology and bioinformatics related.  It is home to many sub-databases, including:

NCI Center for Bioinformatics

CBS Prediction Servers offers dozens of tools for nucleotide and amino acid sequence structure and function prediction.

1000 Genomes

BioMart Bio Portal

Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomics (KEGG)

The European Bioinformatics Institute


University of Washington's BioResearcher Toolkit

OBRC: Online Bioinformatics Resources Collection

UCSC Genome Browser


Ensembl Plants

The RCSB Protein DataBank

Biology Image Library

BRENDA Comprehensive Enzyme Information System

Expert Protein Analysis System (ExPASy)

Genomes Online Database (GOLD)

PharmacoGenomics Knowledge Base (PharmGKB)

The European Nucleotide Archive of the European Molecular Biology Database's European Bioinformatics Institute

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