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History of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology: Oral History

A guide to resources on the history of molecular biology and biotechnology, including the history of the Human Genome Project (HGP). Covers archives and special collections; and oral history.

CSHL Oral History Interview - Leroy Hood

Transformational Impact of Human Genome Project - Leroy Hood speaking at CSHL (see

Oral History Metadata Synchronizer

OHMS: A Preview of the Viewer's Indexing Module -  Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History at the University of Kentucky Libraries

Oral History

"Oral history" does not have a precise definition, but in the scholarly world, it generally refers to a recorded interview with an individual who has been identified as having an important story to tell, or who can provide a firsthand account of the past for the record. Oral histories may be recorded on audiotapes, videotapes, or as transcriptions of planned interviews. The term “oral history” also refers to the study of historical information collected through oral history interviews.