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Mendeley: Collaborating/Sharing a Library

Why Share a Library?

In addition to creating a library of references for the papers or grants you write, or to manage the information you have sought out for your research, \ it often makes sense to share those libraries with collaborators, your lab members, or specific individuals.


Mendeley makes this process very straightforward.  Follow the steps below to create a shared library, and explore the possible benefits of shared libraries.

3 Types of Shared Libraries

Mendeley allows 3 different levels of library sharing, depending on who you share with, and how much: Private, Invite only, and Public.


Caption: Public, Invite Only, or Private groups


The key difference between these groups is that a Private group allows sharing of a reference library to which users can upload PDFs of the papers in the library. These PDFs can then be marked up and highlighted by group members at will.  Both Public and Invite-Only groups only allow the sharing of a reference library.

In the free version of Mendeley, Private groups can only have 3 members.  For subscribers to the paid plan, this number