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Borrowing Library Materials: Online Resources

A Guide to Borrowing Library Materials and Using Our SelfCheck Stations


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Paula Abisognio
Carnegie Library, room 108

CSHL Online Resources


Most of our journal subscriptions are electronic.   All are in the online catalog, our journals database, and Browzine.   From other sites, e.g., NCBI in PubMed, you'll see our blue Find It! button, which will connect you to the full text of resources we have access to, or take you to our interlibrary loan form for resources we don't have access to.


Ebooks and lectures

We have access to an increasing number of ebooks, most with unlimited user licenses. Some have multi-user or single-user licenses.  We have access to the following:


On and Off Campus Access

Most access is based on IP range, so when you're at a computer within the Lab's IP range or connected to the Lab's network (wirelessly or via VPN), you will be taken directly to online resources we subscribe to.  Some sites also require you to create a personal log in, for example, The New York Times online.  To access subscription-based content from outside the Lab's IP range, you'll need to have a VPN account, which you can request from the IT department.


Broken Links

Links to online content appear in the catalog with the label "URL".  Some go to full-text resources, some go to more-information type pages.  Please report broken links in the online catalog and the journals database directly to me, so I can fix them :-)  Broken links on the Library's website should be reported to Tom Adams.